Gate Way To CGL Mains : Most Important Vocabulary Part - I

We have selected these words for maximum usefulness. All these have appeared in recent years in different exams. it can be helpful in upcoming exams

Word : Incense – क्रोध से कुद्ध करना
Synonyms : Make angry , Excite
Antonyms :Soothe , Calm down
Example : She was incensed by his abusive words
Word : Immaculate – शुद्ध
Synonyms : Unspotted , Spotless
Antonyms :.- Impure , Corrupt
Example : Great men’s life are immaculate.
Word : Jest – हंसी उड़ाना
Synonyms : Joke , Sport
Example : Don’t’ jest about anyone’s physical deformity.
Word : Languor – शिथिलता
Synonyms : Weakness, Lassitude
Antonyms Alacrity , Enthusiasm
Word : Loath – अनिच्छुक
Synonyms : Unwilling , Reluctant
Antonyms :Willing, Ready
Example : I am loath to keep this car any longer.
Word : Liquidate – मिटा देना
Synonyms : Settle, Pay up, Clear off
Antonyms :Owe
Example : The government is trying hard to liquidate terrorism.
Word : Maiden -  अविवाहिता
Synonyms : Damsel, Girl
Antonyms :Lad , Boy
Example : She is a pretty looking maiden.
Word : Meddle - हस्तक्षेप करना
Synonyms : Interfere, Interpose
Antonyms :Free , Help
Example : He has to meddle when one is working.
Word : Meretricious – दिखावटी
Synonyms : Gaudy, Showy,
Antonyms :Simple, Plain
Example : Her house is meretricious. s
Word : Lucrative - लाभप्रद
Synonyms : Gainful, Advantageous
Antonyms :Failing, Harmful
Word : Meticulous - अति सावधान
Synonyms : Careful, Attentive,
Antonyms :Careless, Heedless
Example : She is an extremely meticulous worker.
Word : Monotonous-
Synonyms : Dull, Unvaried
Antonyms :Different, Diverse
Obstinate – हठी
Synonyms : Firm , Stubborn
Antonyms :Docile, Amenable
Example: Adolescents find parents obstinate.

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